Top 10k strings from Bases (1984)(Scisoft).tap
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4 ;"Press C to continue." 2 ;"press R to return to menu." 2 ;"________________________________" 2 ;"TO WHICH BASE?" 2 ;"NUMBER BASE=";n 2 ;"INPUT NUMBER IN BASE ";n 2 ;"BASE=";b 2 ;" " 2 " You have just keyed in an incorrect base. Please use lower case letters and numbers." 2 1 t$=" I am sorry but you have got some wrong - repeat the exercise - it is essential that you fully understand number bases before proceeding! " 1 t$=" Well done perfect score - you may now move onto the next exercise. " 1 m$=m$+n$(j) 1 BASES m& 1 ;n(k);" is a denary number" 1 ;g$;" IN BASE ";b1 1 ;b$;" IN BASE ";n;" = ";num;" denary." 1 ;"YOUR RESPONSE=";a$: 1 ;"YOUR RESPONSE="; 1 ;"YOU HAVE JUST TYPED A NUMBER WHICH IS NOT VALID FOR THIS BASEPLEASE START AGAIN. " 1 ;"Which base?";c$ 1 ;"What is it in denary?" 1 ;"What is it in base ";b(k);"?" 1 ;"Therefore denary number=";num 1 ;"Take as much time as you need - use pencil and paper to work outyour answers - the objective is a perfect score. Repeat the exercise if you get any wrong." 1 ;"Products:" 1 ;"Press any key to repeat process " 1 ;"Press R to return to menu." 1 ;"Press R to return to menu" 1 ;"Number:" 1 ;"Number base demo--up to base ten" 1 ;"NUMBER BASES" 1 ;"Input number in this base ";c$: 1 ;"Input base you are working in. " 1 ;"ILLEGAL KEYBOARD ENTRY---------RESTART AFTER RETURN TO MENU---." 1 ;"ILLEGAL ALPHABETICAL ENTRY------please try again. " 1 ;"Denary:" 1 ;"DENARY NUMBER=";n 1 ;"DENARY ";s;" IN BASE ";b;" =";m$;" " 1 ;"Base:";n 1 ;"Answer the following questions- " 1 ;"ANSWER=";x(k) 1 ;"ANSWER=";p$(k) 1 ;"=";m$;" IN BASE ";b 1 ;"6. Quit." 1 ;"5. Number base - demonstration." 1 ;"4. Number base test." 1 ;"3. Convert any base to any base." 1 ;"2. Convert any base to denary." 1 ;"1. Convert denary to any base." 1 ;" Input base you are working in. " 1 ;" UNIVERSAL NUMBER BASE TUTOR " 1 ;" Press number of your choice. " 1 ;" Number base conversion test. ": 1 ;" Input number in denary then press ENTER. (integers only) " 1 ;" Press any key to continue. " 1 (w$(k));" is a base ";v(k); " number" 1 (b$(j))-v)*e 1 " Number base conversion test. " 1 Scisoft 1984" 1